Importing from a local spreadsheet

Same as with Importing Org Data with Google Sheets but from a local spreadsheet.xlsx file.

Prepare my-teams.xlsx spreadsheet same as described in Importing Org Data with Google Sheets.

Download Airbyte Local CLI, then from your terminal run the following command to import your org data into a desired graph in Faros (default graph in this example):


Modify /path/to/my-teams.xlsx with the correct path to the file.

./ \
  --src 'farosai/airbyte-faros-feeds-source' \
  --src-docker-options '-v /path/to/my-teams.xlsx:/my-teams.xlsx' \
  --src.feed_cfg.faros_api_url "" \
  --src.feed_cfg.feed_name "org-import-feed" \
  --src.feed_cfg.faros_api_key "<faros_api_key>" \
  --src.feed_cfg.spreadsheet_source.sheet_source "LocalSpreadsheet" \
  --src.feed_cfg.spreadsheet_source.file "/my-teams.xlsx" \
  --src.feed_cfg.graph_name "default" \
  --src.feed_cfg.graphql_api "v2" \
  --src.feed_cfg.resolve_location true \
  --dst 'farosai/airbyte-faros-destination' \
  --dst.edition_configs.edition "cloud" \
  --dst.edition_configs.api_url "" \
  --dst.edition_configs.api_key "<faros_api_key>" \
  --dst.edition_configs.graph "default" \
  --dst.edition_configs.graphql_api "v2" \
  --check-connection \

At anytime you can make changes in your local spreadsheet and re-import it. The process will overwrite the existing org structure in the specified graph.

Link Identities

In order to link employees to their user accounts as explained here, please additionally specify source names matching your sources:

--src.feed_cfg.tms_source "Jira" \
--src.feed_cfg.vcs_source "GitHub" \
--src.feed_cfg.ims_source "PagerDuty" \
--src.feed_cfg.cal_source "GoogleCalendar" \
--src.feed_cfg.ams_source "Everhour" \