JUMP TOFaros APIš» Accessing the APIPreferencesCreates or overwrites preferencesputUpdates preferencespatchGets preferencesgetDeletes preferencesdeleteReport dashboardsCreates a dashboard viewpostLists dashboard viewsgetGets a dashboard view in a graphgetDeletes a dashboard viewdeleteReport flowsLists flow assignmentsgetCreates a flow assignmentpostGets a flow assignmentgetUpdates a flow assignmentpatchDeletes a flow assignmentdeleteLists flow stepsgetCreates a flow steppostGets a flow stepgetDeletes a flow stepdeleteLists flow tagsgetCreates flow tagspostGets flow tagsgetDeletes flow tagsdeleteCreates a flow definitionpostLists flow definitionsgetUpdates a flow definitionputGets a flow definitiongetDeletes a flow definitiondeleteReport schedulesLists schedules for all reportsgetCreates a schedulepostGets a schedulegetUpdates a schedulepatchDeletes a scheduledeleteLists report runs for a schedulegetGet extract state for a graphgetDelete extract state for a graphdeleteUpdate extract state for a graphputPatch extract state for a graphpatchCreates an extract statepostWebhooksCreates a new webhook definitionputLists webhooks with optional graph & source filtersgetUpdates an existing webhook definitionpatchDeletes an existing webhook definitiondeleteGets a webhook definition by its IDgetWebhook EventsGets events that have been received for a webhook definitiongetProcesses a webhook eventpostGets event by webhook ID and event IDgetUpdates a webhook event's statuspatchQueryExecutes a GraphQL querypostEndpoint for preflight requestsoptnsDataProcess Faros eventspostLists graphsgetGets a graph by namegetCreates a graphputDeletes a graphdeleteGet graphql schemagetAccount managementLists all tenant accountsgetSets up an account for a tenantpostDeletes tenant accountdeleteGets a tenant accountgetUpdates an account for a tenantputGets the changelog for a tenant accountgetGet list of sync statuses for a tenant accountgetAdds a sync status for a tenant accountputInvokes a data sync for tenant accountpostGets the latest data sync info for a tenant accountgetGets the latest data sync logs for a tenant accountgetGet a sync status for a tenant accountgetUpdates a sync status for a tenant accountpatchGets the logs for an account syncgetGenerate a presigned url for uploading logs for a local account syncpostGets emails subscribed to tenant account sync notificationsgetSubscribes an email to tenant account sync notificationsputUnsubscribes an email from tenant account sync notificationsdeleteReceive Account execution status notificationspostUser managementGets the user profile for the callergetAuthorizes a user for requested scopespostUser Role managementLists user rolesgetLists dynamic scopes for a user rolegetReplaces dynamic scopes for a user roleputCreates dynamic scope for a user rolepostDeletes dynamic scope for a user roledeleteCreate or reset scopes to default for user roleputAPI keysLists all tenant API keysgetCreates tenant API keypostDeletes tenant API keydeleteNamed queriesGets a list of all named queriesgetCreates a new named querypostGets a named query by namegetUpdates an existing named queryputDeletes a named querydeleteGeocodingGets normalized address information and coordinates for a locationpostGitHub AppProcesses a GitHub App webhook eventpostProcesses a GitHub App callbackgetApproves GitHub app tenantgetPowered byĀ Deletes tenant API keydelete https://prod.api.faros.ai/keys/{keyId}