June 16th, 2020

New GraphQL Explorer, Pricing Information on EC2 Resources and S3 Support.


New GraphQL Explorer

Faros lets you access all your operational data with a single API, and we now have an awesome new explorer to go with it. Browsing your operational data is now as easy as navigating a filesystem! Head on over to the Explorer and check it out!

Pricing Information on EC2 Resources

We've now expanded the Faros schema to including pricing information on your EC2 resources. Access on-demand prices for your instances and volumes, across accounts and across regions, with just a single query:

aws {
  ec2 {
    instance {
      data {
        price {
          onDemand {
            pricePerUnit {

S3 Support

The Faros API now includes support for S3 buckets as well! Retrieve configuration information about your buckets from 20 different AWS APIs, and across accounts and regions, with just a single query. Additionally, try out our new S3 apps to get notified about unencrypted buckets, missing bucket policies, and more:

faros app invoke --global s3-unencrypted-buckets

Other Improvements

  • Faros CLI support for Windows users
  • Additional cross-service joins supported in schema
  • Terraform support for setting up Faros for your infrastructure
  • New Faros app to diff two different AWS accounts
  • Faros Python package for building apps
  • Faros system-insights app runs at setup to find issues in your account